One of the purposes of The Hamster Burrow is to provide a guide for those new to the OHRRPGCE. In this 5-part series, we'll discuss the past and future of the OHR, some excellent games to show the power of the tools, and how to get started making your own game. Today, we'll showcase a bit of general knowledge and history.
Author: TheCube (Clint Emsley)
If you're new to this whole OHRRPGCE business, then you're probably wondering just what the heck it is. Well, technically it stands for the Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Creation Engine...but that doesn't say a whole lot, does it? In a nutshell, the OHRRPGCE (which I'll call the OHR from now on) is a set of tools that anyone can use to create an RPG with no knowledge of programming or advanced computer skills. It is not a new tool, and it has its limitations, but it is certainly unique among its brethren of game creation tools.