The Hamster Burrow is a blog dedicated to the OHRRPGCE. It's a place where authors, game designers, pixel artists, and reviewers gather together and discuss the important matter of video games. Specifically OHR games.
My mission in creating this is to provide a public forum for intelligent commentary on OHR games and designing them. I also hope to be able to host and categorize a lot of the content that has no home since HamsterSpeak is no longer running.
Selfishly, it also gives me an excuse to play a lot of excellent video games.
Want to submit an article? Check out the Submit an Article page.
As this blog grows, I hope to recruit some co-bloggers to help moderate and write for The Hamster Burrow. I want this to happen organically, though, so I don't really have any plans for this kind of thing right now. Your best plan for contributing is to write an article and send it in. Which I would love <3
Oh, I like the new look of this place. Good job. Though some sort of video game creature in the title bar would be cool.